Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Indiegogo Fundraising Campaign

We just launched a fundraising campaign on Indiegogo.  Here's the link for the campaign!

In order to reach our goal we only need 7 people a day to donate $25 each.

Thanks for helping out.


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Connect with us!

We just launched a website, created a Twitter account, and made a Facebook page. Just search for Wyoming Stargazing. Please Follow us and Like us.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Welcome to the offical blog of Wyoming Stargazing: Explore the Extraordinary in the Ordinary!

We are very excited to introduce the new nonprofit organization Wyoming Stargazing.  Based in Jackson Hole Wyoming we are dedicated to providing everyone with opportunities to explore the night sky. Check back here soon for updates about our programs and our latest projects. We'll periodically let you know what we've been looking through our telescopes so that you can try to find those objects in the skies above your home.  Until then, clear skies and explore the extraordinary in the ordinary!